Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wrightia religiosa

Woody, straggly with layered branches. Fragrant flowers almost all year round. I think it will probably bloom all year when administered consistently with fertillizers. Fairly low maintenance and need some sunshine. We get visitors (tiny nectar birds) whenever it blooms.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Frangipani (red)

An elegant and low maintenance tree. Flowers almost throughout the year and has large leaves which makes it ideal for planting near pools. Available in various colours: white, pink, red, yellow and recently, grafts of various colours. When this pic was taken my red frangipani sheded all its leaves and hence leaving only blooms at the end of the branches.

Brazilian ironwood (caesalpinia ferrea)

My favourite tree. It's distinctive features are the fine leaves and pale-printed bark. Low maintenance, neat at the bottom and lush at the top. Branches are thin, malleable but robust. Apparently flowers when mature.

Tower Tree

A non-Malaysian native but thrives well in tropical climate. Can grow very tall up to 50m or more. Very sculpural and looks great if planted in groups. Slightly sappy branches and sheds leaves so steer away from ponds and pools.


Climbing, shrubby and thorny shrub. Relatively easy maintenance and once in awhile pruning needed. Flowers continuously and luxuriously when exposed to prolonged and intense sunlight. Available in several colours: white, fuschia, pink, red,orange, yellow or grafts of several colours

Bird's nest

A beautiful sculptural plant commonly found on trees in tropical jungles of Malaysia. Easy maintenance and thrives well in shade. Leaves become yellowish if exposed to prolonged intense sunlight.